Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things to see - The Cannon at The St. George Temple

The Cannon – St. George Temple
490 S 300

Placed at the entrance to the visitor center is a canon. It was not used to fight, but to pound. Brigham Young selected the temple site. It was soon discovered that there was a spring on the site. Instead of moving to another location it was decided to fill the wet areas. Lava Rock was brought from the hill west of the temple and the canon was filled with lead, raised in the air, and dropped on the lava rock. The rock was driven into the ground until the foundation was solid enough to support the temple.
The old cannon had an interesting history. It was made in France and used by Napoleon during his siege on Moscow. During Napoleon’s hasty retreat, however, the cannon was left behind. It was later dragged to Siberia, then Alaska, and finally ended up at a fort in California. Members of the Mormon Battalion acquired the cannon, had it mounted on wheels, and brought it to Utah. Today, the old cannon is displayed on the temple grounds.

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